For many other people, any one of these events would have pushed program participation to the bottom of their list of priorities, but “B” really saw group as an opportunity to examine the issues facing him and to reflect on decisions he was making. For step 5 of MRT, he had some of the best examinations of relationships I've seen in my time as an MRT facilitator, leading to improved communication between himself and his siblings and a strengthening of his relationship with his partner. He utilized the goalsetting steps to organize his responsibilities and achieve many things, including selling his parent's house, purchasing a house with his partner and deciding to move his father into their home. Additionally, he remained sober from alcohol and decided to pursue sobriety as a long-term decision. At the end of his program, he stated that the MRT steps allowed him not only to look at his past decisions and to make peace with mistakes he'd made in the past, but that they'd facilitated his ability to handle the big decisions he was forced to make while in program."
“Client A” is a 40-year-old, single black mother of five children. She has never been in trouble with the law but unfortunately made a decision that caused her stress and punishment that she never imagined. Based off frustration, anger, disappointment and pain, “Client A” reacted in a manner that she learned was not conducive to her and her family. That resulted in her arrest and ending up on probation. When I first met her, she expressed anger with the justice system and felt very little hope in everything that was going on around her. She expressed that she felt beaten and though she was receptive to the help I was offering her, she disclosed that her confidence was very low. In the very early stages of our work together, I noticed that she was shelled in and definitely kept a protective wall of defense up. “Client A” was also dealing with childcare issues and having to be at multiple places at one time, which many times stifled her ability to see past her obstacles. This was all naturally understood due to her situation and hurdles. That then soon changed.
Around the fifth module/lesson of the “Community Employment Program”, “Client A” started to look more lively. She still dealt with stresses and, at times, even battled depression. Through it all, she started to exhibit a different outlook on things. We had countless conversations about life, challenges and the mentality of “Keep Pushing No Matter What” within the group and privately. One day, I asked her what changed her perspective and she expressed that it was the videos, material and lessons she was obtaining from the program. She also let me know that she felt comfortable speaking within the classroom because of the environment created and voiced that she felt empowered.
“Client A” received employment through the CEP and was able to maintain that employment throughout everything that was going on. As with all clients, I checked on her periodically and would let her know of her achievements and remind her of her accomplishments. Even after successfully graduating from the program and hitting all milestones, she reached out to me and thanked me for the work we’ve done together. She even disclosed the fact that she is enroute of starting her own business, despite keeping the job that she still has. She accredited that mentality through conversations that were had during our groups. In many ways, she has defined the word “success” by simply allowing herself to think beyond the mental limitations that she initially came in with. She is now off of probation and keeping that positive spirit and energy.
“Client B” is a 38-year-old, single caucasian man with a child. He has battled addiction and has gone through many trials and tribulations in life. “Client B” was actually a part of the Community Employment Program and questioned if there would be anything new that he would get out of it, doing it again. I made a deal with him and told him to come to the first two classes and, if he felt that he wouldn’t benefit from it, that I would simply just help him find a job. It actually took the first module/lesson for him to feel different about the program. I asked him how he felt and he told me after that class “I want to stay in this group and see what else the program offers now”. Personally, I think that was a blessing for both of us. The work done was incredible and I was able to see great growth.
One of the biggest challenges that “Client B” was dealing with was the fact that his ex-wife had decided to move herself and their child away until his decision making became better. Though he naturally wanted a job for a check, his focus was always to get his family back and to do whatever was needed to make that happen. He and I had many conversations about how he could make that possible and he always came away feeling more optimistic. He graduated from the program, obtained employment and even became the go-to person at his job. “Client B” and his skills were utilized to train other employees that were being hired by the agency and establishment. Whenever there was some troubleshooting issues that the managers needed handled, they would turn to him. When speaking to his employer, they praised him and mentioned that “Client B” was always on time and did amazing work whenever given a task. They also praised him for being a “people's person” and making all customers comfortable and possibly a reason that many of them kept coming back.
“Client B” has become successful in many ways since partaking in the CEP but I think the best news to report is how he successfully made it off of probation and has now moved out of state to be closer to his daughter. As promised, he is doing everything possible to right all his past wrongs. He called me to thank me for the work we’ve done together and referred to many things he learned in the program. I am certain that he will take this experience and everything he learned from it wherever he goes. More importantly, I am beyond confident that he will be able to positively share everything with his baby girl when she gets older, and that will only build more strength and hope within her as she grows up. All in all, his successes are beneficial to him but will also continue to benefit others beyond him.
“Client C” is a 43-year-old, single black father and family man. He has been experienced in the street life for a very long time and, possibly, since a very early age. This is something that he has admitted as being a hindrance for much of his life, based on his decision-making. When “Client C” first came in to meet me, he was very reluctant and hated the idea that he was being referred to the program. He had already done the program and felt that he didn’t get much out of the work. I promised him that this time would be different and I ensured him that he was definitely going to get something out of it. All I asked of him was full commitment and honesty. He gave me his word and we started the work. After the first module/lesson, he came to me after the class and made certain to let me know that he already got something out of the program and expressed excitement for the next ones. Our bond got closer throughout the classes and he started to open up more. That made for perfect groundwork to success.
Despite the overwhelming feeling of being doubted and all the stresses that he was dealing with, “Client C” remained focused. If I needed the clients to meet me at the facility or any other location, he would be there early and ready to work. There was once or twice that he had to do something for his family and would respectively and professionally let me know in advance. During those times, I granted him that needed time and he would follow up and keep open communication before and after those situations. Our work relationship got closer and he was able to disclose to me, at times, when he was dealing with internal/mental battles. That allowed me the opportunity to advise him in the best ways possible. He effortlessly graduated from the program and each day would point out some “gems” that he received from each of the modules/lessons. Despite probationary stipulations placed on him, he was able to obtain employment and maintain it for beyond the allotted time. He’s been doing great and, most importantly, has gained confidence within himself to erase his own doubt and that placed on him by others. Honestly, one of the greatest successes of “Client C” is the fact that his mentality has changed and seems like a 180° switch for the better. I’ve let him know how proud I am of him multiple times and commended him for his changes; especially for his children and family.