Project M.O.R.E., Inc. addresses the needs of ex-offenders through various programming and services
that cater to the complexities each individual faces while transitioning back into the community.
Project M.O.R.E.’s mission is to provide a structured and systematic process to reintegrate ex-offenders into the community and to provide services to their families. In providing this service, Project M.O.R.E. works with individuals on parole, probation, bail and those released from correctional facilities.
Aenean dignissim pellentesque felis.
Aenean dignissim pellentesque felis.
This resident is a 37-year-old female who was facing a felony Violation of Probation charge. She has a legal history that consists of multiple charges of DWI, harassment, trespassing and violation of probation. The PVRC program was able to provide her with the proper programming to help address her problematic consumption of alcohol which resulted in her engaging in risky behavior. She participated in Outpatient treatment, MRT and Anger Management and she completed all three. As a result, she was successfully discharged from the PVRC program to her home where she returned to her life as a mother of 3. She is currently employed as a phlebotomist and has reintegrated back into the community without recidivism.